Lindsey Driscoll
Music Supervisor

Music Supervisor and Environmental Soundtrack Designer Lindsey Driscoll is known for her far-reaching creative vision, extensive musical knowledge, and deep understanding of audience engagement.
Her work with networks and brands such as Lionsgate, Discovery+, Apple, Apple TV+, Paxeros, Madewell, J.Crew, Alex Mill as well as several hoteliers and restaurateurs nationwide have quickly bolstered her growing reputation. Her experience encompasses creative sync for film and advertising, as well as atmospheric soundtracks for retail, restaurant, and hotel audiences.
Lindsey has the unique ability to dive deep into her supervisory roles without losing the perspective of a first-time listener–her syncs and soundtracks appeal both to discerning record collectors and casual music fans alike. Paying close attention to details such as lyrical story-telling, historical relevance, target demographics and the organic rhythm of a space, she is truly a master at bringing a scene to life.
Selected Credits
Lovers (Music Consultant)
Cut 4 Productions
Director: Taylor McFadden
Producers: Nathaniel Ratecliff, John Hermann, Jenny Napier, Lavinia Jones Wright
Starring: Angela Trimbur, Benedict Samuel, Cassandra Blair
Fully Realized Humans (Music Supervisor)
Paxeros / Gravitas Ventures
Director: Joshua Leonard
Producers: Chelsea Bo, Sean Drummond, Joshua Leonard
Starring: Jess Weixler, Joshua Leonard, Beth Grant
*Tribeca Film Festival Finalist
No Right Way (Music Supervisor)
Director: Chelsea Bo
Producers: Sean Drummond, Vivian Miranda
Starring: Chelsea Bo, Ava Acres, Sufe Bradshaw
Crazy’s Normal (Music Supervisor)
Starring: Willie Barcena
Manhunt (Music Supervisor)
Lionsgate / Apple TV
Director: Carl Franklin
Producers: Layne P. Eskridge, Richard Abate, Monica Beletsky, Carl Franklin, Michael Rotenberg, Naia Cucukov, Frank Smith, James Swanson
Starring: David Glabb, Alistair Steel, Nick Benas
Magnolia Table (Contract Music Supervisor)
Discovery Channel
Producers: Joanna Gaines, Carly Duncan, Jarrett Lambo, Kelli Bechtol, Chip Gaines, Aric Laferriere
Starring: Joanna Gaines
Dishes (Music Supervisor – Short Film)
Director: Emily Tynan McDaniel
Orchid Music Design (Environmental Soundtrack Designer)
Alex Mill
Apple Photo “Memories” Upgrade for iPhone (Contract Music Supervisor)
Madewell (Music Licensing & Partnerships Director)